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Is Bible College Worth it?

Since Glory Project began, we have had a bible college in New Delhi, India training up young men and women to serve as missionaries and church leaders across Asia. In 2025, we will have our first batch of students graduate with a Bachelor's in Theology. Now attending bible college is no easy task. Students are required to put in many hours of study to better grasp God's Word and teach it to others. There is a lot of practical field experience they must complete as well. Many hours are put in by the student so they can have the tools needed to serve in ministry.

Running a bible college is also hard work. It's not easy to provide room and board for almost 40 students while also supervising faculty and staff. It takes a lot of time, energy, resources, and brain power to lead in this way. So I have asked myself, and others have asked me, is bible college worth it? Should they invest 3 years to study at one? And should Glory Project continue to invest time, money, and energy into the school? The answer is a resounding "YES." Jesus Christ told the early church to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28:19). A disciple can only be made by first winning them to Christ and then teaching them everything Christ commanded. The bible school in Delhi and our Missionary Training Institutes across Asia do just this. They equip the called to more effectively serve God where He leads them.

We hope that every graduate, trainee, and missionary lives according to the mantra we find in John chapter 15. Here, Jesus says, "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can YOU unless YOU abide in me" (John 15:4). Bible college is worth it! Why? Not so that you can know more about the Bible. Not that so that you can fill your mind with biblical facts and data. But rather, so that you can know the God of the Bible in a more intimate, authentic way. Students at the bible college or any of our institutes, receive tools and guidance to help them develop a genuine relationship with Christ that will last for a lifetime. We believe and teach that ministry can happen only out of the overflow of one's relationship with Christ. Therefore, you must learn how to abide in the Vine first and foremost. So if you want to know how you can grow in your relationship with Christ, then bible college might be the answer for you. What is your next step in knowing Christ more?

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