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Sponsor Gospel Distribution

Gospel Recording Centers

Contextualizing the Gospel

The gospel of Jesus Christ needs to be understood in a way the locals understand and so we strive to create, record, and produce videos that are contextualized for each people group.

The Hope Video

The Hope

A Gospel Recording Center is a studio hub where films like "The Hope Video" are filmed and other material is developed. We have one center located in Myanmar and another one in Northern India. When other people groups are identified needing gospel media developed, these centers are used to produce the film and possible other centers are started. Contextualized worship songs are also recorded and distributed among the churches in Asia.


Printing Hubs

Distributing the Good News

We believe the Holy Bible is the divinely inspired and inerrant Word of God and is God's revelation of Himself to man, to be accepted in its entirety as the final authority in matters of faith and practice for the believer. As such, we work to print and distribute God's Word across Asia for unreached people groups to read the gospel story and for Christ-followers to grow in their relationship with Christ. Printing Hubs are established production studios in a country that The Glory Project partners with to print the Bible in key languages. If translation efforts are needed for the Bible to be printed then we empower local missionaries with the tools, resources, and training needed to complete the translation work.

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