The first command God gave to his people is found in the very beginning of creation. "Be fruitful and multiply, and FILL THE EARTH, and subdue it; and rule" (Gen 1:28). God's heart since He created humankind in his image, was for the people to go into all the world and increase in number. And as they do so, for them to know God personally. However, it was a command that was not followed. Sin entered the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Since then, all of humankind has gone our own way trying to live without God in our lives. But this has only caused greater sin, chaos, pain, rebellion, and hurt to increase.
Therefore, since Adam and Eve disobeyed, God has been a missionary God reaching out to humankind desiring to bring them back into relationship with Him. He do so by establishing the Noahic covenant telling the people to once again FILL THE EARTH and then the Abrahamic covenant where God chose Abraham to be a blessing to ALL PEOPLE (Genesis 12). The Davidic covenant was then established with the people of Israel so that here would be someone always ruling on the throne and we know from prophesy that would be the Messiah - Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ then came to fulfill Old Testament law and prophecy dying for the sins of the world. His death and resurrection opened up the way for humankind to know God again.
The Lord continues in this missionary work through the church of God. Followers of Jesus across the centuries go and share the good news of the cross so that one may "believe and be saved" (Acts 16). God is a missionary God who will keep reaching the unreached of the world so that there will truly be a multitude from ever tribe, nation, and tongues that will gather before the throne of God declaring Him as Lord (Rev. 7:9-10). I challenge you dear friend, to read God's Word today with this missionary heart. Learn about God's missional heart. Discover his deep love for the world. Lean into what He is calling you to do. The Lord is a missionary God and He wants all of his children to FILL THE EARTH with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
By. Dr. Breckenridge L. Merkle
Founder and President for The Glory Project