International Missionary Organization
A Church in Every Village
Glory Project is a Christian Missionary Organization focused on reaching the unreached with the message of Jesus Christ through every available means. We rely on our values: faith, hope, and love, to guide us as we seek to fulfill God’s purpose.
How We Came To Be
Glory Project
In 2019, Glory Project began as a dream in the heart of Founder and CEO Dr. Breckenridge (Breck) Merkle. He, alongside his family, served for 10 years as a missionary in Asia. During this time, the Lord moved powerfully, planting several churches among an unreached people group. Breck and his family then returned to the United States, serving as a pastor in a local church while continuing to take trips to Asia.
Expanding His Kingdom
God continued to surprise Breck with every trip he took, bringing people to faith and developing leaders in the church. Breck began to see a correlation between each trip taken and how the church grew. He realized by focusing each trip on empowering and encouraging the local church to advance Christ’s kingdom throughout their local region, missionary work continued in his absence through the indigenous frontline workers.
Fulfilling The Mission
The Glory Project continues this mission of empowerment by forming strategic partnerships with local church leaders. The Glory Project has served God in Asia through Church Planting, Child Sponsorships, Leadership Development, and Theological education. We seek to share the gospel in all its fullness to the glory of God by establishing, growing, and maturing the church in Asia. By connecting God's people, the mission of making disciples can be fulfilled
(Matt. 28:18-20).
International Missionary Organization
The Glory Project is an international missionary organization geographically focused on empowering the established church in Asia. We are working alongside native missionaries and church leaders to help them build independence from support from the west. Our goal is for the church there to become completely self-sufficient by coming alongside them to build microenterprise businesses that will empower them to grow and prosper and “for the earth [to be] filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” (Hab. 2:14)
Our History
Our Mission
We seek to share the gospel in all it’s fullness to the glory of God by establishing, growing, and maturing the church in Asia.

Annual Report
Our Values

Faith | Hope | Love

Connecting the church across the globe with local churches in Asia.

Demonstrating God’s love to those who are hurting and in need.

Discipling Christ-followers to know Jesus more and invest their lives in another.

Training national missionaries to effectively proclaim the gospel and shepherd the church.

Planting new multiplying churches all across Asia.

Reaching the unreached with the message of Jesus Christ through any available means.