Native Missionaries
Supporting native missionaries to reach the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ
New Churches Among the Unreached

A Church in
Every Village
The Glory Project develops partnerships with native missionaries to see a church started in every village. Churches look differently place to place, people to people, and in different cultures. When churches begin a plan is put into place to work with native missionaries within their own context to best share the gospel of Christ and worship in their own language and style. When you support a church, your gift will help establish effective contextualized worship gatherings across Asia. See below how faithful Christians are gathering together as God’s people.
Pastor David
In central Myanmar, a network of churches continues to grow through the faithful leadership of Pastor David and his leaders. In 2022 the gospel was shared several times to internally displaced people and new churches have started. When you choose to sponsor a native missionary like David, a new church is started in every village among unreached Buddhist people groups.

Mr. Tun
Mr. Tun is sharing the gospel to a people group that has continually been oppressed by the larger society. New churches are springing up in mountain areas where there was no gospel presence before because he visits there faithfully. Several children are also supported in an orphanage where they are safe from further oppression.
Sai Yi
Sai Yi has been sharing the gospel in an area in constant turmoil. His wife and children have faced persecution for their ministry, but have never faltered. A small structure has been built to help gather new believers among the villages for discipleship. May this intentional training equip the saints to abide in Christ continually and share the gospel to their friends and family.