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Cyclone Mocha

In May 2023, Cyclone Mocha hit the coast of Myanmar and Bangladesh with several thousand casualties. In Myanmar, where house ch*rches are gathering, there were more than 500 causalities. Numerous houses were destroyed, lives lost, schools in shambles, and training centers completely torn down. Because of financial partners faithfully giving, the school has been restarted and training centers are now up and running so the g*sp*l can continue to move forward. There is still one house ch*rch that needs resources to get up and running again. Only $600 dollars is needed to repair the roof and other materials purchased so they can meet together.

I love when Christ-followers step up to the plate and meet the need of those who have been affected by natural disasters. It is a testimony today of Christ's love for the world. As the holiday season approaches, it's important for individual Christians to remember those in need. In Matthew 25:40 Jesus says, " Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.' Anytime we help the vulnerable, care for those in crises, and reach the unreached with the gospel, we are serving Christ to the fullest. Thank you for your continued support for those in Asia and for all those in your community. How will you be the feet and hands of Jesus this holiday season?

A Church in Every Village,

Dr. Breckenridge Merkle

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