Glory Project Partners and Friends,
The second principle for faith and the disciple of Christ that George Muller highlights is this: "the individual who desires to live by faith must be content where he is – rich or poor." In other words, you must trust learn to be content in all things. You must find assurance in the biblical truth that ultimate satisfaction is found in Jesus Christ alone who brings salvation with an eternal reward. The things of this world like money, career, popularity... whatever you are trying to win at... cannot satisfy! As George Muller says, you must be content – "rich or poor."
This week, I saw the reality of this truth first hand in Laos. 10 people surrendered their lives to Christ at a banana orchard. They literally have nothing that this world offers. They have no home, no hope for a better job, and they have no way to escape their current situation. AND YET, despite not having any of this, they have everything because they have now found Christ. The first individual to be baptized was a previous general for the communist regime. He faced rejection and expulsion from the community, but he knew that if he followed the Lord in baptism than others would also. So he courageously got in the small barrel you see in the video below and others soon followed. It was a celebration that lasted 2 hours with a meal of rice and veggies for everyone.
On May 26, 1851 George Muller wrote in his journal, "God is not likely to bless anything that leads a believer to depend more on himself or his circumstances than on the living God." This general, and everyone at the orchard, stepped out in obedient faith to Jesus Christ. I am now asking God to show His favor upon them because they did not depend on themselves, but risked everything for the sake of knowing Christ Jesus their Lord.
What about you? Are you trusting God to provide? We say we believe in God's sovereignty and provision, but in reality we too often depend on ourselves and what we bring to the table instead of God. Don't fall into the trap of self-sufficiency. Don't get into the habit of asking God to bless your efforts. Instead, ask God to show you what to do next as you trust in His provision. "The individual who desires to live by faith must be content where he is – rich or poor." Whether living on a banana orchard with no electricity and one small communal bathing area, or living in the suburbs of America in a 4,000 sq. ft house with all the modern amenities, be content and live for eternity alone.
Let's See a Church In Every Village,
Breck Merkle
President / CEO