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Prayer and the Power of God

This week we had the National Day of Prayer for the United States. One of The Glory Project's missionaries in Nepal spent 3 days praying and fasting for his country. And on May 8th, The Glory Project will take a few students on mission to Thailand. I love it when God's people come together to pray for a mighty move of His Spirit and to be on mission. But this does not happen enough. God's people do not spend time in prayer and rarely to they share the love of Christ to a lost and dying world. I believe if God's people took the gospel seriously then they would pray and they would share.

Andrew Murray, missionary and pastor in South Africa in the early 1900's ,said it was the Sin of Prayerlessness

that inhibited the church from experiencing God's power. Today, it is the same. The church relies on pragmatic solutions to everything. If you do x then y will be solved. It's simple. Follow these steps. Follow these formulas. If you do so, then everything will work out. But if we only stick to the textbook, where do we leave God? Is He in the process? Is He part of the equation? Most often…He is not.

I believe it's time for the church to once again seek the favor of the Lord. We need to corporately ask the Lord for a move of His Spirit again. If you lack the power of God in your life, then you must abide in Christ daily (John 15). If you do not find time to meet with Christ in prayer and in God's Word, then you can do nothing. Only the Spirit of God working in you can produce spiritual fruit that will impact the world for Christ. So, how is your prayer life? Are you spending time with the Lord daily? Don't stress about how much time you spend with God. It's not a chore that needs to be done or a project that needs to be checked off. Simply go to your heavenly Father and abide in His presence. Spent time with the Lord so your soul can be refreshed.

Until all have heard,

Dr. Breckenridge L. Merkle

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